Croton Watches
Switzerland, an iconic country famous for a people of an impeccable nature, from whom the most precise instruments of time measurement are generated, located in a region that is married to the greatest producer of high fashion the world over, Italy. Within the Italian landscape lies a city, historically known for the intelligence, strength and physical beauty of its inhabitants; CROTON. The global position of a land possessing people who excelled at precision, strength and beauty led to the natural selection of Croton as the namesake for a timepiece company who sought to establish its very essence on quality, precision and style back in 1878, more than 130 years ago. As Croton evolved through the years it remained loyal to its origins, always striving to innovate and captivate consumers with its ability to consistently create highly sought after timepieces, ever so precise, at a value all are quick to recognize. By the mid 1900